RA Aircheck NEW FM station profile 1989

The original NEW FM Newcastle jingle the tag here is a separate addition and the music here aws also used in a series of 30 second TVC’s on NBN TV to launch the then ( pardon the pun) new FM Rock station

I think Gangajang had a hand in the guitars here

2 thoughts on “RA Aircheck NEW FM station profile 1989

  1. Rod Muir had just spent something like 250 grand or something like that on a new Dr Dan animation commercial, so I went to the same production house and spent a hundred maybe a hundred and ten grand on our launch commercial. I’m sure it was Mark Callaghan from Gangajang I asked to created the theme music 10 grand I recall was the fee. I still have the tapes of the finished product, I also recall after spending so much on the production there was little left to buy the time but it worked as planned.

    1. thanks for the lowdown Mike, I always thought it was Gangajang on the Newcastle FM theme must have been the unmistakable driving guitar riffs
      Have to say though, The Dr Dan theme (original) by Mike Batt and the graphics campaign ad “because your ears have brains” still remains the best radio station TVC we have ever seen, anywhere on the planet, if you have some decent Newcastle FM TVC footage it would be great to put it up for old times sake
      47 Darby Street was Rockin’ back in the day, that station was cutting edge but always wondered why the door to the PD’s office was so high, and btw thats NOT a cue for a tall joke

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