RA Aircheck – KROCK Steve Woods pt 2 1992
Here’s the winner, of the KROCK Workday comp part 2 of an aircheck kindly sent by Woodsy himself, I always loved how they copied the Rockin’ roo logo from FM 104 and the lipstick font
Dedicated to Australian Radio airchecks
RA Aircheck – KROCK Steve Woods pt 2 1992
Here’s the winner, of the KROCK Workday comp part 2 of an aircheck kindly sent by Woodsy himself, I always loved how they copied the Rockin’ roo logo from FM 104 and the lipstick font
Just trying to recall the original K-ROCK Line-up
Peter Mobbs, John Hood, Ken Lane, Steve Woods , Daryl Reader and Roxanne Bennett, Gavin Morris also did a stint on K-ROCK Prior to the present owners Grant, I think Hoyts had an association with the station
and wondering how the Rockin’ roo came about?
I can’t recall the exact original lineup. However, the most successful lineup (at the end of Hoyts) was Dave (Gorr) & Roxie (Bennett) on The Big Mattress, Steve Woods (highest ratings ever in Geelong), Todd Austen, Frank Fursey, and Wazza (Warren Penny). I was the Program Director for about eight years and Ian Grace was our consultant (from Hoyts to the early days of the current owners)
K-Rock also had John Hood, Peter Mobbs, Karl Van Est on air in later lineups.
Following a format change (to the current position) Daryl Reader across moved from Bay FM. Ken Lane was always on Bay FM.
The Rocking Roo (and a Giant Stereo OB van) came from FM104 in Brisbane toward the end of the Hoyts association.
When K Rock was cooking, it was a great place to be…
Anyone have any pics of the Giant Stereo OB van?
Mobbsy did a cracka jack job on the NEW Website as i recall wonder if it’s on the wayback archives?
I reckon Mobbs would have something…
Pete, over to you, got any pics of the giant stereo OB Van?
actually it wasn’t that old ambo you had at FM 104 was it?