RA Aircheck David Rymer classic Triple M top1001 rocksongs
RA Aircheck David Rymer classic Triple M top1001 rocksongs this was from about 1996 don’t recall the 1001st one hehe
Dedicated to Australian Radio airchecks
RA Aircheck David Rymer classic Triple M top1001 rocksongs this was from about 1996 don’t recall the 1001st one hehe
RA Aircheck NX FM promo for Todd and Carol brekky 1993 Todd Sargeant and Carol Duncan when NXFM was a Rock station with a sweeper from Steve Britten
RA Aircheck Brad March 2DAY FM 1984 From the Sunday night album show and featuring a classic ad for defunct Belle magazine superbly voiced by I think his name was Alistair he was an RMK voice anyway
RA Aircheck Tim Webster 2DAY FM 1982 Pt 1 12 till 4 pm Monday to Friday here’s the dulcet tones of Tim Webster
RA Aircheck John Peters WSFM 2006
RA Aircheck Ron. E. Sparx WSFM 2006 This was taken 3 weeks into the launch of the all new Big Chill Sunday morning 60’s and 70’s show which I have just discovered, Love it waking up on Sunday is superb with Ron. E. on the radio
RA Aircheck Darren Demello west coast 20 96FM Perth 2005 Counting down the most popular 20 albums of the week
RA Aircheck Triple M Jon Peters 1990’s The Alphabet of Rock a lesson inĀ A to Z as taught by Mr Peters part 1
RA Aircheck WSFM Byron Webb 2006 Byron as opossed to another alias “John Doe” on another station
RA Aircheck Nic Bennett – 2Triple M 90’s A stopdown from Rocktober 96 or thereabouts Uncle gets a mention Heard Nic recently on Qantas Rock on Q it was a Cold Chisel interview rather took me back to the good old days