RA Aircheck – 4BH Jingles 1960’s
RA Aircheck – 4BH Jingles 1960’s Jingles introducing 4BH Personalities Ken Guy and Ray Clark
Dedicated to Australian Radio airchecks
RA Aircheck – 4BH Jingles 1960’s Jingles introducing 4BH Personalities Ken Guy and Ray Clark
RA Aircheck – 4GG Jingle 4 1960’sThis one’s a classic
RA Aircheck – John Laws – Diamond Traders Ad 1970’s This is true classic radio thanks to the unmistakable style of John Laws, a live read for Diamond Traders, once a Sydney Icon. Many thanks to Ken Guy for getting this to the site …Don’t forget there’s only 1 Diamond Traders
RA Aircheck – Terry Anthony New Mix 93FM sweeper 4NA Nambour began in 1964 in 1984 it changed callsign to 4SS and converted to FM in 1994 The New Mix 93 FM was launched at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Today it is known as 92.7 MIX FM
RA Aircheck – Ian Wright East Coast Radio 2EC – Sunday Gold 1992 pt2 Thanks to Ian for sending in some of his on -air work from his 2BE/ EC days Very large coverage area down to Orbost just over the NSW/VIC border
Radio Aircheck 4AM Mareeba April 86′ Robert Casey TAA memories hehe this station is now 4KZ http://www.4kz.com.au/
RA Aircheck – 4MK jingle -1976The guys at 4MK were going through some old stuff in their relocation recently and sent this in
RA Aircheck – Mike Fewster 5KA Breakfast Feb1968 another vintage gem from 5KA
RA Aircheck – Barry Bissell Late Nights 5KA 1970’s thanks to Carol Taylor and the team from 5KA for this this poster says it all
RA Aircheck – 5KA 1960’s SABNHeadlineNews I was stoked, to get some audio from one of this countries best Rock Stations of the 70′, here is anews theme you don’t hear everyday from the 60’s, love to know who the voice is ?SABN, Sth Australian Broadcasting Network trendsetters alright! A big thank you to all […]